Acupuncture helps with the following conditions:
migraines and headaches in children and adults;
tics and stuttering;
vegeto-vascular dystonia and astheno-neurotic syndrome;
muscular dystonia syndrome;
sleep disorders and enuresis;
amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea;
frequent colds.
Acupuncture is an ancient method of both treatment and prevention of many diseases. With its help it is possible to normalize metabolism (acupuncture for weight loss - a good method to tidy up the body and tone muscles), improve blood circulation.
Impact on biologically active points with the help of needles helps to restore the nervous system, improve skin condition, increase pain threshold, increase the body's resistance to disease record to eliminate pain syndromes of various etiologies and for weight loss - a good method to tidy up the body and tone muscles), improve blood circulation. Impact on biologically active points with the help of needles helps to restore the nervous system, improve skin condition, increase pain threshold, increase the body's resistance to disease, eliminate pain syndromes of various etiologies and hormonal imbalance. Acupuncture can help with hernia and neurological diseases.


Acupuncture is a technique that requires a minimum of 10-12 sessions lasting 30-40 minutes. Usually after the first two sessions, the patient feels relief, but the sessions should not be interrupted, as the full effect of therapy is possible only after the full course.
During the session, the reflexologist places 8-10 needles in certain points (depending on the purpose of therapy).
By acting in this way on certain systems and organs, the specialist relieves the patient of pain syndrome, inflammation or addiction.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday
8am – 8pm
8am – 16pm
Sunday - Closed

Phone:: +7(495) 930-44-27

+7(985) 770-63-22

Address: 9, Universitetskiy pr., Moscow (Universitet metro station)