Here you can take analyses:

In order to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment, a number of laboratory tests and clinical examinations are required in most cases.

General clinical and biochemical blood tests;

immunological tests;

determination of blood sugar levels;

tests for the presence of infectious markers in the organism;

tests for all current allergens;

pregnancy detection;

serological blood tests;

analysis for the presence of oncomarkers;

blood tests for hormone levels (random and complex);

determination of the degree of blood coagulation;

research to determine the blood group and Rh factor;

PCR diagnosis or polymerase chain reaction;

other types of analyses on the recommendation of the attending physician.

This is a 100% success rate in treating the disease. Competent diagnostics can prevent the development of many types of diseases or completely cure them at the earliest stages. Clinical examinations for the purpose of prevention and detection of diseases are recommended at least once a year. In our medical centre it is possible to organize such tests, as well as to keep a patient's medical history with information about the upcoming dates of the next test/examination within the framework of complex treatment.


Apart from changing the diagnosis and prevention/identification of possible diseases laboratory analyses and diagnostics also allow:

professionally monitor the quality of treatment;

diagnose the organism during pregnancy planning (search for hidden infections and markers);

detect intolerances to drugs and medicines;

identify risk factors before the onset of disease development/deterioration of the patient's physiological condition.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday
8am – 8pm
8am – 16pm
Sunday - Closed

Phone:: +7(495) 930-44-27

+7(985) 770-63-22

Address: 9, Universitetskiy pr., Moscow (Universitet metro station)