Treatment with orthopaedic insoles is prescribed by a doctor in the following сonditions:
flat feet;
joint and vascular pathologies (arthrosis, scoliosis, varicose veins);
heel spurs;
posture disorders;
valgus or varus deformity of the foot; curvature of the big toe;
diabetic foot syndrome;
curvature of the big toe.
In our clinic, a podiatrist performs a comprehensive examination of the legs and feet. After a general visual assessment, the patient will need to undergo:
  • a plantograph examination, which will determine the condition of the foot arch and joint structure features
  • or X-rays to assess the condition of the joints.

The therapeutic effect of using orthopaedic insoles:

eliminates flat feet - the foot will have a vault;
gait will change;
ankle pain will disappear;
blisters and corns will stop appearing;
the load on muscles and spine will be reduced;
the risk of arthritis will be reduced;
swelling of the feet will disappear;
elasticity of the ligaments will be restored;
blood circulation in the lower limbs will be normalised.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday
8am – 8pm
8am – 16pm
Sunday - Closed

Phone:: +7(495) 930-44-27

+7(985) 770-63-22

Address: 9, Universitetskiy pr., Moscow (Universitet metro station)