
What is homeopathy?

Many people are distrustful and critical of this type of treatment, which is due to the mass indoctrination of the population by more authoritative persons of their opinion or belief about homeopathy. Homeopathy treatment has been used since the 18th century. For the first time, because of his curiosity, German doctor Samuel Hahnemann tried to take a small dose of quinine, which was used in the treatment of malaria. After taking the medicine, he noted the development of a fever, which was similar to the fever that develops with malaria. Then Samuel tried to explain this by the law of similarity.

Next, Samuel Hahnemann tested other medicines and substances on himself. After much research, he began to use homeopathic drugs in his medical practice. Samuel Hahnemann insisted on his principle that only one medicine would be prescribed at a patient's visit, this would eliminate drug interactions, and the doctor could determine which medicine was most effective in treating the disease.

Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating "like cures like". In homeopathy, preparations of animal, plant, and mineral origin are used that are subjected to repeated dilution. Thus, small doses of medicines remedy certain symptoms AND diseases that could be caused by higher doses of the same medicament.

For instance, a homeopathic physician may use a stimulant drug for insomnia. At first glance, this approach to treatment may seem devoid of logic, but the doctor has a different goal; with this approach, the homeopath tries to increase the symptoms in order to force the body to react and further correct this disorder. Over several centuries, homeopaths have accumulated extensive experience in the clinical use of homeopathic drugs.

Doctors assessed, some patients responded more to treatment, others less. All this data began to be used along with other characteristics: reaction to weather conditions, character, temperament, physical condition of the patient. This is why homeopathy is considered a very comprehensive discipline of medicine, since it takes into account the profile of the disease, as well as the person at all levels of state: physical, mental, and emotional.

Now, over several centuries of this medical discipline, it has accumulated more than 2500-3000 drugs, many of these have similar properties. In order to select for a patient exactly the most important for him single-drug treatment, it is necessary to reveal the disease and its symptoms in a particular patient. All the information received over several sessions with a homeopathic physician helps to “individualize” the patient’s disease and achieve success in treatment.
2023-10-01 18:00 Homeopathy