
Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic medicines are the same medicines, the only difference is that the active substance have been multiply diluted, which reduces the side effects of the drug and, according to homeopathic doctors, increases the effectiveness of this remedy. Thus, a feature of homeopathy is the dilution of active substances in large quantities.

The German doctor Hahnemann conducted numerous experiments on preparations, including those that have poisonous properties, such as Atropa belladonna L. (Devil's cherries). Hahnemann noted that the effectiveness of the drug does not go away when diluted; moreover, the effectiveness of the substance is sometimes many times greater than its analogue, and side effects are reduced. Such experiments were also confirmed at extremely high dilutions of the substance, when theoretically the initially diluted substance was not found in the solution at all. Thus, a theory has been put forward about the memory of the initially diluted substance in solution. The effect of the drug is explained by the interaction of cellular receptors with the chemical molecules of the drug.

Homeopathy has gained quite a wide popularity, although there are many obstacles to homeopathy in traditional medicine circles. Nevertheless, at the same time, doctors of traditional medicine also use many homeopathic remedies, e.g. Occillococcinum, Stodal, Traumeel, and others.


Homeopathic remedies are made from substances of plant, animal and mineral origin. Then the starting material (concentrated) is prepared, which is prepared in alcohol and infused for up to 4 weeks. The resulting solution is periodically swirled to dissolve. Modern preparations are shaken in an automated manner to ensure uniform distribution of the substance. The concentrate (starting material) is placed in dark vessels and periodically shaken to increase its activity. Next, the starting material is diluted in a ratio of 1:100, etc.

The container containing the medicine and lactose tablets (balls) are initially shaken to completely cover the entire tablet with the required amount of active ingredient. The resulting tablets are stored in a dark container to protect the drug from direct sunlight. Many homeopaths also advise storing the medicine away from equipment.

Currently, more than 2500-3000 homeopathic medicines are registered and widely used. The homeopathic physician tries to tailor treatment to each patient, despite the fact that many drugs are generally considered effective for certain symptoms and diseases. For example, Aconite is a drug used against the fever development, sore throat, cough, and thus for conditions with rapid sweep of symptoms. The drug Arnica is effective for closed wounds, swelling, tissue damage, bruises, and is used to treat allergies with homeopathy. Euphrasia is used for eye diseases such as conjunctivitis and cataracts. The drug Actea Racemosa is used for diseases of the ovaries, genital area, and also provides treatment for the spinal cord system.

Homeopathic treatment of the patient in practice. After a lengthy survey and analysis of the data obtained from the patient, the drug is prescribed for a maximum of a month. Next, the data is analyzed while taking the medication. What symptoms were accompanied, and what sensations and moods were caused by the drug. The expected effect of the drug on the body, as well as the predictability of the development of symptoms and mood were from the drug. The expected effect of the drug on the body, as well as the predictability of the development of symptoms, means the correctness of the treatment.

Sometimes a temporary deterioration may develop in the form of an increase in symptoms, which in turn indicates that the medicine was chosen correctly and an improvement will soon occur. When an improvement in well-being develops, the homeopathic physician periodically does not prescribe a continuation of the drug, which logically surprises the patient who is waiting for the continuation of the course of treatment.

However, homeopaths claim that the body will be supported in the future on its own, since it has been given an impetus in this direction and the patient may not need additional prescriptions. If the patient has chronic diseases, the effect of therapy may not be as pronounced, so medications are prescribed for continuous use for several months.

Nowadays, getting an appointment with a homeopathic doctor is quite easy.

There are entire specialized centers, and in Europe homeopathy operates within the framework of the public health care system.

We strongly recommend that you contact trusted and certified homeopathic doctors, due to the large number of fraud and quackery working in home or other settings. A good and experienced homeopath can be found in the “Iris” Medical Center (originally the Iris Homeopathic Center), which constantly monitors and trains its homeopaths, follows the latest news in homeopathy, and collaborates with homeopathic pharmacies.

Seek help from professionals. Good health to you.
2023-11-01 18:02 Homeopathy